With this handy starter container, you can provide a warm, cozy home for your sourdough starter.

Grow your sourdough starter in that ideal 75–82°F range with the Goldie sourdough starter container.

This sourdough starter incubator has a lovely glass design and a handy auto-warming function.

Did you spend the last year or two trying to perfect your sourdough starter? Then you’ve probably noticed that it prefers a warm temperature. Fortunately, the Goldie allows you to warm your starter while still running the air conditioner in the summer. Let’s take a look.

Goldie sourdough starter container

Goldie on a kitchen counter

Warm your starter until it reaches the Goldilocks Zone.

An active starter is required for delicious bread. And starters are most active in the 75–82°F range, also known as the ‘Goldilocks Zone.’ The temperature difference is significant because many people keep their homes at 68–72°F.

Yes, normal room temperature can make your starter sluggish, resulting in bread that does not rise or double as it should.

Goldie sourdough starter container

Goldie with a man and a woman

Make a cozy haven for your sourdough starter.

Fortunately, this kitchen gadget solves the problem of a cool kitchen. It has an auto-warming feature that gradually warms up your starter to the ideal temperature range.

It’s also easy to use—just place your jar under the cloche and turn on the device. The incubator then monitors the interior temperature and adjusts the heat accordingly, ensuring that your starter is always in the correct temperature range.

The device will never overheat your starter, according to the company’s Kickstarter page. On days when you want to slow your starter’s growth, you can disable auto-warming.

Goldie sourdough starter container

Goldie with sourdough starter

With the temperature light, you can see how your starter is feeling.

With its top temperature light, the Goldie also makes it easier to understand your starter’s health. In a cold kitchen, it glows Blue, indicating a sluggish, inactive starter.

The gold light indicates that the starter has reached a satisfactory temperature and is ready for baking. Finally, the Red light illuminates when your kitchen is overheated and your starter is drowsy.

According to the company, keeping an eye on these lights for a while will make your starter less mysterious and more predictable. This will result in better results and less frustration.

Goldie sourdough starter container

Sourhouse Starter Jars with starter

On hot days, keep your sourdough starter cool.

Perhaps you don’t use air conditioning or it fails during a heat wave. In those cases, you need to keep your sourdough starter from overheating, and the Sourhouse Cooling Puck can help you do just that.

Simply remove the Cooling Puck from the freezer and place it on top of your jar to cool it down. Meanwhile, the Goldie will keep working to keep your starter from becoming too cold.

https://www.youtube.com/embed/Tso7473deDg?feature=oembed&theme=light&showinfo=1Goldie in a YouTube video

Increase the speed of your starter.

Even better, this sourdough starter incubator can reduce doubling time by an hour or more, making it a true time saver. And it makes no difference whether you keep your starter in the fridge or on the counter.

With this starter-warming device, you can save space in your kitchen.

Don’t worry, because of its small size, this sourdough starter incubator will not add to the clutter on your kitchen counter. In fact, the incubator designates a location for your starter, keeping it tidy and preventing accidents.

Uses less energy than do-it-yourself warming methods.

Sure, there are a plethora of do-it-yourself starter warming methods that make use of items you already own. However, heating your entire oven for a jar of starter is both costly and inefficient.

On the other hand, the Goldie’s plug-in design uses minimal wattage and targeted warming, reducing the costs and keeping energy use down.

Check out our final thoughts.
With this sourdough starter incubator, you can truly perfect your sourdough recipe. Unlike DIY methods, it warms your starter automatically, constantly adjusting the temperature to keep it in the best range. Furthermore, it is simple to use, small in size, and looks great in your kitchen.

Preorder the Goldie sourdough starter container for $99 on Kickstarter. What baking gadgets do you own and love? Tell us about them in the comments.

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